Welcome to OGPS P&C!
The OGPS P&C Association is made up of dedicated parents, carers and teachers and is open to everyone in the school community. It exists to bring parents, citizens, students and staff together to promote the interests of the school and to raise funds for facilities and equipment.
P&C updates can also be found on the OGPS P&C Facebook.
For all enquiries, the P&C can be contacted at orangegrovepc@gmail.com.
Our focus
Each year the P&C runs a number of fundraisers for the school. We have ambitious targets and need the support of the whole community to run events and raise money that the school can use to support our children.
See the OGPS P&C Facebook for the latest flyers and details of upcoming events.
OGPS P&C welcomes sponsors. For details on how to sponsor us, and for details of the school's Sponsorship Policy, please write to the Vice President - Fundraising at orangegrovepc@gmail.com
Executive Committee
The P&C elects an Executive Committee who coordinate the events and operations of the P&C throughout the year.
The P&C Executive Committee can be contacted at orangegrovepc@gmail.com.
OGPS P&C meetings are held twice a term, once in person and once online via Google Meet. Dates are published in the school newsletter.
Everyone in the school community is welcome to join the P&C and attend meetings. There is a nominal joining fee. Once paid, members are able to vote at the following meeting and throughout the year. Please contact us for details on how to join.
Annual General Meeting
Each year in March, the OGPS P&C holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM), in line with the P&C Constitution and By-laws (available through the Secretary). At the AGM, members of the P&C vote in office bearers to run the P&C for the year ahead. The P&C audited accounts are presented and the P&C membership fee is also decided.
The AGM takes around 30 minutes and is followed by a general meeting of the P&C.
Section 117 of the Education Act 1990 requires that the (model) prescribed constitution for Parents and Citizens' associations incorporated under the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of New South Wales Incorporation Act 1976, be published by the Minister in the Education Gazette 1 of 2020.
This (model) can be found here.
P&C Federation
The OGPS P&C is proudly a member of the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of New South Wales.