Orange Grove Public School

We are respectful, responsible, active learners

Telephone02 9810 1378

Enrolment Procedures

Orange Grove Public School Enrolment Procedures

Enrolment in a NSW Department of Education Preschool differs from enrolment K-6. We have an enrolment capped at 20 per day. Our program is in high demand and it is important to note that not all families who submit an Expression of Interest form are successful. In addition, having siblings at the school does not guarantee placement in our Preschool. 

The preschool classes are an integral part of the main school and operate within the same hours. Preschools will be open the same days as schools- see dates for school terms

To ensure OGPS preschool offers at least 600 hours of preschool education over the year (which equates to an average 15 hours per week) the attendance pattern is as follows:

Group A
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Semester 1 (Term 1 & 2)
Monday and Tuesday in Semester 2 (Term 3 & 4)

Group B
Thursday and Friday in Semester 1 (Term 1 & 2)
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Semester 2 (Term 3 & 4)

General guidelines
- Public preschools enrol children for one year only, the year before they start school. There is provision, in exceptional circumstances only, for a child to be considered for a second year of preschool. This can only occur with the approval of the principal following consultation with the child’s family and preschool teacher. If it is decided a child would benefit from a second year in preschool, they are considered a new application and prioritised in the same way as all new applicants.

- Children can enrol from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age on or before 31 July that year. Offers of enrolment are made in keeping with the department's policy of targeting the most disadvantaged children in the local community.

Expression of Interest

At Orange Grove Public School Preschool an Expression of Interest is the first step towards enrolment in the preschool. Families must submit an Expression of Interest during the allocated period satisfying the criteria as stated by the Department of Education. Following this Expression of Interest, a panel will be formed to consider the submissions.

Documentation requirements for Expression of Interest:
I. Documentation regarding immunisation .
II. 100 Point Proof of Residential Address. Click here for further information.
III. Proof of child identity - e.g. Birth certificate or passport
IV. Health Care Card (if stated)

Specific Priority Enrolment Criteria
In accordance with the Department of Education Preschool Enrolment Policy, Orange Grove Public School is required to provide priority to disadvantaged children in the local community who are unable to access other early childhood centres. Priority categories will include children who are:

o        Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children  
o        children living in low socioeconomic circumstances 
o        children unable to access other early childhood services due to disadvantage or financial hardship. 

Children meeting the Specific Priority Enrolment Criteria will be offered a placement first.

Enrolment Panel

A panel is formed at the end of the Expression of Interest period.  This panel is convened by the Principal.

All panel members must declare any conflict of interest with regard to any applications. Once places are offered to students who meet the specific priority criteria, any remaining places will be filled on the basis of the following priority:

A) children living within the school's enrolment catchment area, with additional priority given according to age (older children will have greater priority)
B) children living outside the school's enrolment catchment area and who have siblings enrolled in the school, with additional priority given according to age (older children will have greater priority)
C) children living outside the school's enrolment catchment area, with additional priority given according to age (older children will have greater priority)

An offer of enrolment will be made to those children who fall under the above criteria. A list will then be compiled in order of age. A gender balance is taken into consideration when collating the enrolments into program groups. There is no priority given according to the date the applications are received.

First round offers are made via email. There is a 2-week period for families to accept or decline an offer of enrolment. Office staff collect responses.

Please note: All Group B families are expected to pick up the third day in Semester 2 to satisfy the required hours for preschool. 

Enrolment in preschool
Families who are offered a place in the preschool must complete and submit an Application to enrol in a NSW Government preschool before their enrolment can be confirmed.

Enrolment requires the following documentation to be provided:
o Birth certificate and/or proof of identity and residency status
o Immunisation documentation as specified by the Australian Government
o proof of residential address
o passport or immicard and evidence of visa status for children who are not Australian citizens
o low-income healthcare card if applicable and
o copies of any family law or other relevant court orders if applicable.

Preschools cannot enrol a child unless the parent/carer has provided documentation that shows that the child:
• is fully vaccinated for their age, or
• has a medical reason not to be vaccinated, or
• is on a recognised catch-up schedule if their child has fallen behind with their vaccinations.

Where a child is enrolled in preschool before their fourth birthday, the family is required to provide evidence of completed DTPa-IPV vaccination after their birthday. Where a family does not provide this, one reminder letter will be given after the child’s birthday. Where a family does not provide this information, the child will be excluded from preschool when there are confirmed cases of pertussis (whooping cough) and other notifiable diseases. This is a requirement of the Public Health Act 2010.

Waiting List

Children who are not offered a place within the preschool will be put on a waiting list based on the above enrolment guidelines and subsequent offers may be made from this list.

The waiting list is valid for the year prior to enrolment in the preschool class and for the current preschool year.

If a vacancy occurs during the year, the position will be offered to the child with the highest priority on the waiting list.

The waiting list is formed based on date of birth, not the preferences a parent has made on the initial Expression of Interest.