Orange Grove Public School

We are respectful, responsible, active learners

Telephone02 9810 1378

Library and learning resources

Orange Grove Public School Library is a vibrant, inviting learning space. It is here that your child's love of reading stories and learning can be nurtured through their choice of books during the weekly visit to the library. Our collection of books covers a range of popular and quality picture books for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. There are high interest short chapter books and longer novels for independent readers.  We enjoy a comprehensive collection of nonfiction books covering a broad range of topics and interests.  Children are welcome to suggest new books to purchase. We keep our collection current by adding new releases regularly. Students can access the Orange Grove Library Inquiry catalogue using the My Library link at the Student homepage.

Library Learning

Library lessons are planned and taught in collaboration with classroom teachers to provide meaningful and purposeful learning experiences.  This year, library lessons will focus on units of work aligning with the new Australian Curriculum areas of English, History and Geography as well as research and information skills.

Technology is often used in our lessons to enhance students learning. 

Library Lessons

During lessons children can return, browse and borrow books. There is usually a story time with discussion and appreciation of a wide range of literature. Information skills and research may be taught. We look at how to find information from a variety of sources and also how to critically use it. Use of technology, including the interactive whiteboard, Mac computers and iPads are used to support this learning. All lessons complement classroom activities.


It is important for your children to take responsibility for the books they borrow but the following tips may help! Remind your child to take their library books and bags on the correct day.

All children need a library bag to borrow. Library bags are available from the Uniform Shop for $10. We still have some of the old style cotton bags for $5 available from the library.

A bag bought commercially or a plastic bag in an emergency are suitable. The children are welcome to change their library books immediately before or after school if they have forgotten on library day or need a quick change of their reading material.

Help your child decide on a place at home to keep the library books and bag in between visits:

  • Kindergarten borrow one book in Term 1
  • K-2 can borrow two books
  • Year 3 can borrow up to three books
  • Year 4 - 6 can borrow up to four books
  • There are no fines for overdue books.

Reminder notes are sent home. Parents will be asked to pay for any lost or badly damaged books. 

Lunchtime in the library

The library is a busy, fun alternative to the playground for students at lunchtimes.  Students are able to read, draw or colour, play games and listen to stories. The computers are also available sometimes.

Monday Years 3 - 6
Tuesday Year 2
Wednesday Year 1
Thursday Kindergarten